PAVOAD Secretary, Greg Crossley, has announced that the PAVOAD General Spring Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday April 8, 2025, at PEMA Headquarters, 1310 Elmerton Ave, Harrisburg, PA 17110. The meeting is to begin at 10 AM and conclude around 2 PM. Plans are in the works to have presentations from several partners to make the meeting more interesting and engaging. PEMA is graciously providing lunch and they would like a rough estimate of attendance for ordering purposes, so please register with Greg at or Additional information will follow. Hope to see you in April. As always, thank you for all you do and for being VOAD partners.
The PAVOAD summer check-in virtual meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 12, 2025, at 10 AM. Watch for more details.
The Keystone Emergency Management Association (KEMA) Conference (#KEMACon2025) will be held at the Blair County Convention Center in Altoona from September 28 to 30, 2025. The theme is “Building Resilient Communities, Adapting to a Changing Landscape”. The conference will explore ways to strengthen communities and promote resilience against natural and human-made disasters and how emergency management strategies and approaches must adapt to new challenges, such as climate change and technological advancements. Learn more at the KEMA Conference website. Presentation proposals will be accepted until 5 PM ET on April 21, 2025 at this online application.
The PAVOAD Annual Meeting and Banquet is tentatively scheduled for Sunday evening, September 28, 2025, as part of the KEMA Conference.