Erie Snowstorm Response

Western PA VOAD has put out an urgent appeal for able bodied volunteers to assist in snow removal access to homes in the Erie area after the recent and ongoing snow event. Mainly, help is needed in providing access to residences of the elderly and disabled who can’t perform these tasks themselves. Particular concern is for those who may need egress and exit to and from their properties for medical emergencies. Response has been limited so far, so we make this appeal. 

Anyone who can help is asked to utilize the link below to sign up. Even if your organization cannot deploy as a group, members of your organization can deploy utilizing this link. The link is operated by The Salvation Army and so any volunteer can be affiliated with that organization for this event.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Greg Crossley for assistance.

As always, we thank you for all you do and for being VOAD partners.