Pennsylvania Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster is an affiliate of National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NVOAD). National VOAD, an association of organizations that mitigate and alleviate the impact of disasters, provides a forum promoting cooperation, communication, coordination and collaboration; and fosters more effective delivery of services to communities affected by disaster.
To stay up-to-date will all things PAVOAD, check out our Facebook page here.
Throughout these pages you will find information, such as:
- Links to resources and agencies
- A summary slide show was prepared for the PAVOAD Annual Meeting in October.
- The video that tells the story of the value of PAVOAD and the VOAD movement.
- You can learn more about the PAVOAD Board here.
- In cooperation with PEMA a new area map of PA has been developed showing our regions and regional leadership. You can view or download it here.
The membership of Pennsylvania VOAD consists of both locally based organizations and local representatives of National organizations. PAVOAD, a coalition of organizations that contribute to developing and sustaining community resiliency throughout the disaster cycle, facilitates and fosters cooperation, communication, coordination and collaboration among members and partners to improve preparedness, resilience, response and recovery for more effective outcomes.
A summary slide show was prepared for the PAVOAD Annual Meeting in October. You can view it here. During that meeting a new video was introduced which helps to tell the story of the value of PAVOAD and the VOAD movement. Click here to watch the video.
Within Pennsylvania, PAVOAD maintains the same three regions as the Pennsylvania Emergency Agency. View a map of PAVOAD PEMA areas and leadership.