What is a COAD?
Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COADs) work within the State/Territory VOAD structure at the local level. This group of local community organizations work together during a disaster to provide coordination of services to ensure that unmet needs are addressed, provide financial assistance and supplies, and to share knowledge and resources with local residents during a disaster.
Here you will find a list of the COADs active within Pennsylvania.
Allegheny County VOAD, Jerry Lynn, President, jjlynn143@gmail.com Website
Berks County COAD, David Duquette, Chair, pastordave@pennsidepresby.org
Bradford County COAD, Michael Stitley, chair, michael.stitley@guthrie.org
Butler Emergency Relief Initiative, Amy Franz, Chair, amy.franz@unitedwayswpa.org www.uwswpa.org
Clarion County VOAD, Denny Logue, Chair, wlogue@dps.clarion.pa.us Website
Columbia County COAD, Carla Alexander, Chair, execdirector@agape-pa.org Website
Crawford County COAD, Allen Clark, Convener, aclark@co.crawford.pa.us
Dauphin County COAD, Lexi Passaro, Convener, apassaro@dauphincounty.gov
Disaster Recovery Coalition of Luzerne County, Paul Oswald, Chair paul@luzfdn.org Webpage
Fayette County VOAD, Gregory Crossley, Chair, uema@verizon.net Webpage
Lancaster County VOAD, Randy Gockley, co-chair randygockley@gmail.com Webpage
Lawrence County VOAD, Chad Strobel cstrobel@leoc.net Webpage
Lebanon County COAD, Paul LeVan, Chair LebCCOAD@gmail.com
North Central COAD, Steve Leauber, co-convener steve.leauber@redcross.org
Northeastern PA VOAD, Karl Jones, Chair kjones275@comcast.org
Schuylkill County COAD, John Blickley, President jblickley@co.schuylkill.pa.us Webpage
Somerset County COAD, Sharlene McCoy, Administrative Lead mccoys@co.somerset.pa.us
Southeastern PA VOAD, George,Matysik, Chair gmatysik@sharefoodprogram.org http://www.sepavoad.com
Susquehanna County Long Term Recovery Committee, Joel Levy, secretary jml1217@msn.com
United Churches of Lycoming County Disaster Long Term Recovery, Tammy Alchner, Chair director@uclc.org Webpage
Western PA Regional VOAD, Greg Crossley, Chair uema@verizon.net
York County VOAD, Stanton Walters, Chair ab3emqsl@gmail.com Webpage