National VOAD

National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster

Since the founding of National VOAD in 1970, many lessons have been learned, skills developed and best practices shared. This resulted in the establishment of a commitment to shared values, the 4Cs of communication, coordination, collaboration, and cooperation as guiding principles for how we operate and resolve conflict, as well as various Points of Consensus and other protocols for guiding the work of individual member organizations and the collective efforts of the collaborative.

Today, National VOAD is a coalition of 70+ of the nation’s most reputable national organizations (faith-based, community-based and other non-profit organizations) and 56 State/Territory VOADs.

Recognizing that all sectors of society must work together to foster more resilient, self-reliant communities nationwide, National VOAD facilitates partnerships with federal, state and local emergency management and other governmental agencies, as well as for-profit corporations, foundations, and educational and research institutions.

Still have questions about National VOAD? Click here to learn more.

Registration is now open for the NATIONAL VOAD CONFERENCE to be held, May 19-22, 2025, at the Galt House in downtown Louisville, KY.  Click here for more information and to register.

    Hotel registration is open. To guarantee the rate of $199/night, bookings must be made through this link.  Rates above do not include applicable taxes. The above rates are on a first-come, first-served basis through April 23, 2025.

    The National VOAD Board of Directors invites all National Members, State/Territorial VOADs, and Partners to submit nominations for the National VOAD Awards. The awards recognize organizational and individual excellence and contributions that reflect “the best of the best” in service and support within the entire VOAD movement. Award nominations are due April 7th. 

Click Here to Submit a Nomination


    The National VOAD Board of Directors invites all National Members, State/Territorial VOADs, and Partners to submit nominations for the National VOAD Awards. The awards recognize organizational and individual excellence and contributions that reflect “the best of the best” in service and support within the entire VOAD movement. Award nominations are due April 7th.  Click Here to Submit a Nomination  

NVOAD is pleased to announce the formation of the Disaster Legal ad hoc committee, dedicated to addressing the critical legal challenges faced by disaster survivors. This committee will focus on identifying and advocating for solutions to legal issues such as housing rights, insurance claims, appeals, and access to legal aid in times of crisis.  Kristine Hansen from the Legal Services Corporation has been instrumental in bringing together key stakeholders to support disaster survivors in their time of need. NVOAD looks forward to collaborating with all of our members and partners on this committee to help ensure equitable access to legal resources and assistance for those impacted by disasters.  

Serving on National VOAD committees is not only a responsibility for our members, but also a great opportunity to help shape National VOAD policy.  There are opportunities for the PAVOAD Board to nominate people to serve on a NVOAD committee.  To learn more about these committees, please click here.  If you are interested, please send your name, contact information, and resume to by April 25, 2025. The committees with open State/Territory VOAD positions are Advocacy, Community Preparedness, Disaster Health, Disaster Legal, Donations Management, Emotional and Spiritual Care, Housing, International, Mass Care, Migration, Displacement, and Refugee, and Volunteer Management.

Click here to watch National VOAD Members and Partners discuss what the 2024 National VOAD Conference theme “United in Service” means to them, and the future of the VOAD Movement.

National VOAD 2024-2025 Board Officers
Chair: David Guadalupe – Puerto Rico VOAD    Committees:  Executive (Chair)
Vice-Chair: Ian Anderson – Colorado VOAD   Committees:  Audit, Executive, Governance, Membership, Conference (Chair)   
Board Liaison:  Advocacy, Migration, Displacement and Refugee
Secretary: Katie Oldaker – Catholic Charities USA     Committees:  Executive, Finance, National Conference     
Board Liaison:  International
Treasurer: Kevin King – Mennonite Disaster Service    Committees:  Executive, Finance (Chair)    
Board Liaison:  Housing
Asst. Treasurer: Kevin Ellers – The Salvation Army    Committees:  Executive, Finance, Nominating    
Board Liaison:  Emotional & Spiritual Care    
Colt Hagmaier – Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
April Wood – President & CEO, National VOAD