
Pennsylvania VOAD members respond to disasters in Pennsylvania. Contact us to volunteer with a trusted Pennsylvania VOAD member.


 The UNITED WAY Suggests Five Ways Volunteering Can Make You Happier

Doing good can make you feel good. Experts say volunteering improves mental health by reducing stress, lowering anxiety, increasing feelings of purpose, accomplishment, and happiness.

In Jacksonville, Florida, United Way of Northeast Florida mobilizes community volunteers to help underserved neighborhoods. That includes traditional service projects — like home repairs, community park and garden enhancements, and neighborhood building improvements, creating snack packs and senior care packs, food and diaper drive collections — and connecting people with United Way’s RealSense financial well-being initiative for free tax preparation. (Read More…)


Volunteers and Volunteer Work Groups are needed for rebuild and recovery!!!

Volunteers are needed for responses in Berks, Chester, Montgomery, Philadelphia, and Delaware counties.  There are Construction Project Managers on site to guide and support as needed. Materials and tools are available. Come for a day or stay for a week!  Housing/food is available in some locations, if needed. To volunteer or to get more information, contact:

Southeast PA Counties – Denise Shelton at pr-volunteers@epaumc.org, ☎️484-441-6637.

Berks County — Sharon Sgriccia at berksrecoveryvolunteers@gmail.com.


For more details Click here.

Seeing images of disaster may compel you to head to the impacted area. Don?t underestimate the complexity of working in a disaster area. Until a need has been identified and the local community impacted has requested support, volunteers should not enter.

  • Be sure to contact us before coming to the disaster area.
  • Wait until it is safe to travel to volunteer sites and opportunities have been identified.
  • Once assigned a position, make sure you have been given an assignment and are wearing proper safety gear for the task.

Be patient. Recovery lasts a lot longer than the media attention. There will be volunteer needs for many months, often years, after the disaster – especially when the community enters the long-term recovery period.